MFA in Graphic Design
Academy of Art University
San Francisco, CA
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
Accredited by NASAD and WASC
BFA in Studio Art
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT
Accredited by NASAD

Assistant Professor
Montana State University
Graphic Design Program
Bozeman, MT
Online Director
Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
San Francisco, CA
Online Faculty
Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
San Francisco, CA
Online Associate Director
Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
San Francisco, CA
Online Class Coordinator
Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
San Francisco, CA
Assistant Professor
Ferris State University
Graphic Design Program
Big Rapids, MI
Adjunct Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Graphic Design Department
Richmond, VA
Adjunct Professor
Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
San Francisco, CA
Adjunct Professor
Northern Arizona University
Visual Communication Program
Flagstaff, AZ
Northern Arizona University
Visual Communication Program
Flagstaff, AZ
Hybrid, online and onsite teaching methods and evaluations, socially interactive design, curriculum development and implementation.
Fundamental principles of aesthetic and design, typography, design thinking, professional development and practices, interaction design and responsive design, hybrid, online and onsite education delivery methods.
Advertising Copy and Layout
Practical application of advertising design techniques and electronic layout. Creative strategy. Intensive practice in copy writing for various media channels.
Branding Principles
The goal of this course is to enable students to visually and conceptually understand the principles of identity design and branding. Students will investigate what defines a "brand" at a fundamental level, and will craft refined brand expressions that extend this core message to new products, services, and environments.
Communication Design 1
The analysis and communication through expressive design. Exercises will include the selection and arrangement of type, color exploration, and imagery development as applied to conventional and digital solutions that communicate toward a specific audience. Continued application of presentation skills.
Communication Design 2
Continued research, analysis, and exploration of solutions in advanced information design to include multi-element campaigns for print and web applications. Students will work on individual, as well as, team projects.
Computer Imaging 1
Introduction to computer literacy. Historical, practical, and technical concepts for the entry-level image manipulation. Demonstrations, exercises, and concepts necessary
for computer imaging and graphic design.
Design Application 1
The structure of the class will simulate a professional studio environment involving client contact, design, project management, and production. Projects will include research, identification and assessment of client need and the presentation of design proposals for print and web applications.
Design Application 2
A continuation and addition of projects from Design Application 1. The structure of the classroom will continue to simulate a professional studio environment involving client contact, design, project management, and production. Projects continue in research, identification and assessment of client need, and the presentation of design proposals for print and web applications.
Design Seminar
Advanced research and study in communication design for print and digital media through case studies, guest lecturers, and site visitations.
Design Studio
Visual communication projects designed for community and university organizations. Focuses on professional design practices, techniques, understanding, creation and implementation of design projects. Design studio business organizational structure
and design principles are studied through professional client interactions.
Digital Design Studio 1
Graphic design has always worked in close concert with technical innovation. The digital revolution has accelerated that dynamic – today’s designers use any means at their disposal to get their ideas across. This course explores the limitations and possibilities of numerous user experiences — web, tablet, mobile devices and more.
Digital Tools 1
Students learn to use the Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop). The goal of the class is to obtain basic competence in creating page layouts and typesetting. Assignments are geared toward the technical aspects of page grids, detailed layout specification and creating illustrative forms for reproduction.
Graduate Thesis Development
This course prepares students who are embarking on their thesis journey to handle the demands of self-directed study and provides them with the tools necessary to successfully complete their thesis projects. Emphasis is placed on resourcefulness, risk-taking, initiative, and productivity. Class activities revolve around brainstorming, creative process, and presentation skills.
Graduate Thesis Explorations
The primary objective of this course is to provide a collaborative studio environment with the individual focus of a directed study. This directed-study class is a major step in the thesis journey for graduate students as they work on their individual Thesis Final Projects.
Graduate Thesis Refinement
The primary objective of this course is to provide a continued collaborative studio environment with the individual focus of the final stages of thesis development. This directed-study class is a the final step in the thesis journey for graduate students as they work on their individual Thesis Final Projects.
Graphic Design 1
Assignments devised to encourage conceptual thinking in relation to design development. Emphasis is placed on understanding and evaluating information, learning the value of research, and creating communicative symbology for idea-driven design solutions. Integration of form and content are required in all projects.
Graphic Design 2
This course teaches the design and production of a variety of two-dimensional printed materials. From initial concept through the full-size rough layouts to a completed comprehensive presentation, the process is applied to a variety of design projects
including posters, brochures, newsletters, promotional pieces and environmental graphics. Three dimensional design is also introduced.
Graphic Design 3
This studio course is designed to explore visual communication and the language of design through advanced creative problem solving. Issues relating to the research, planning, design, and application of branding and visual identity systems will be emphasized.
History of Graphic Design
Course explores a comprehensive survey of the historical and cultural events, technical innovations, art and design movements and important designers and typographers that have formed the origins of the art form that we now call graphic design.
Independent Study
Individualized approach to selected topics by guided reading and critical evaluation.
Information Graphics
Visual problems in typographic, diagrammatic, cartographic, and environmental displays
of information. Ideation developed in two and three dimensions. Intermediate to advanced computer skills required.
Introduction to Interaction Design
This course introduces students to user experience principles such as human-computer interaction, user personas, user interfaces, and information architecture. Students will implement design strategies that enhance clarity, density, and dimensionality of information display in user experiences. Professional best practices of the interactive design process will be emphasized.
Introduction to Visual Communication
This course introduces students to the visual communication design process and culture common in Advertising, Graphic Design, and Web Design and New Media firms and agencies. Students will gain hands-on interdisciplinary practice with creative projects that emphasize ideation and creative problem solving. Collaboration and creating solutions that engage the audience will be emphasized.
Making Ideas Visible
This course introduces students to the conceptual requirements of the design profession. Attention will be placed on developing the thinking skills necessary to conceive unique design solutions. Visual communications will also be explored from a variety of historical, social and cultural contexts.
Motion Graphics
This course investigates the discipline of motion design. Motion design employs many theories, principles and practices of graphic design. Students will learn to respect motion design as a powerful medium available to designers. Unlike print or web design, it utilizes both visuals and audio to create an orchestrated presentation.
Packaging 4
In this course, students learn to extend areas of branding innovation while maintaining awareness of client goals and specific target audiences. A wide variety of prototypical client areas are used as project subjects. Research and comparative market analysis are emphasized. The work is geared toward inclusion in the final portfolio.
Principles of Graphic Design
This course provides the beginning designer with the basic principles, terminology, guidelines, methods and systems necessary to solve graphic design problems. Students study the creation and use of communication methodology, as well grid usage and other layout devices such as composition, visual hierarchy, content development, scale, contrast and pattern.
Principles of User Experience
This foundational course covers user experience principles including human behavior, personas, navigation, hierarchy, and information architecture. It introduces design strategies targeted at enhancing the clarity, density, and dimensionality of information display in an interactive environment. Students will learn the current best professional practices of the interactive design process.
Production Seminar
The exposure to current and future equipment and production methods utilized in visual communication and web design professions through case studies, guest lecturers, and site visitations.
Senior Capstone
Analysis, development, and preparation of a professional portfolio plus a written capstone statement. Self-promotion, resume, visual documentation and a final oral presentation.
Senior Portfolio
In this culminating course, students will develop a comprehensive branding system of print and digital work to represent their advanced skills in conceptualization, innovation, and design theory. Emphasis will be placed on developing a cohesive portfolio with impact, individuality, and memorability to clearly demonstrate potential and value to an employer.
Type Foundations
Explores the structural and visual elements of typography. Develops hand skills with visual acuity and detail. Emphasizes history, anatomy, and terminology, and introduces computer-generated type.
Typography 1
Engage students to explore traditional and conceptual typographic problems and applications. Focusing on letter, word, line, paragraph, and type-image relationships. Computer-generated type at the intermediate level. Creation and updates of class projects.
Typography 2
Advanced typographic exploration and generation. Individualized study of type design, research, and technology in advanced experimental configurations and compositions by investigating the principles and communication qualities of typography.
Visual Communication 1
The professional development of the student, aspects of time management, and multiple project assignments in print and web media. There will be a specific focus on direct and effective communications, consistency, comprehensive problem-solving, and the ability to present concepts clearly and in-depth.
Visual Communication 2
Continued research and discussion of the development, interpretation and implementation of information, evaluation processes, theories of communication, and design methods for print and web media. Will increase focus on multi-assignment project management, communication planning, and presentation skills.
Visual Literacy
The goal of this course is to introduce the nature of visual/visible language. Students will understand the essence of visual syntax and expand that understanding by creating visuals that communicate clear messages.
Visual Thinking
This course teaches the process and importance topical design thinking including ideation, refinement, strategy, and the design of supporting materials—all of which are elements of the student’s upcoming Midpoint Review and Thesis project. Reinforcement of the Program Learning Outcomes also enables the student to reflect on their own development.
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GLA 676: Professional Practices
GR 700: Portfolio Seminar
GR 107: Introduction to Interaction Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 700: Portfolio Seminar
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GLA 676: Professional Practices
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GLA 600: Visual Communications Lab
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GLA 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GLA 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 810: Thesis 1: Development
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GLA 676: Professional Practices
GR 810: Thesis 1: Development
GR 830: Thesis 2: Exploration
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GLA 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 360: Nature of Interaction
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GLA 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 360: Nature of Interaction
GLA 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 850: Thesis Development
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 360: Nature of Interaction
GR 435: Typography in Motion
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 605: Digital Design Studio 1
GR 360: Nature of Interaction
GR 435: Typography in Motion
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 605: Graphic Design 1
AE 70: Graphic Design 1
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 435: Typography in Motion
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 122: Typography 1: Hierarchy and Form
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 122: Typography 1: Hierarchy and Form
GR 330: Typography 3: Complex Hierarchy
GR 425: Visual Systems 2
GR 435: Typography in Motion
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GLA 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 617: Type Forms
GR 122: Typography 1
GR 150: Introduction to Visual Communication
GR 324: Branding Principles
GR 330: Typography 3
GR 425: Visual Systems 2
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 107: Introduction to Interaction Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 605: Digital Design Studio 1
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 330: Typography 3
GR 327: Graphic Design 2
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 850: Thesis Refinement
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 330: Typography 3
GR 324: Branding Principles
GR 327: Graphic Design 2
GR 425: Visual Systems 2
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 107: Introduction to Interaction Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 605: Digital Design Studio 1
GR 327: Graphic Design 2
GR 330: Typography 3
GR 425: Visual Systems 2
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 604: Nature of Identity
GR 619: Type Composition
GR 150: Introduction to Visual Communication
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 327: Graphic Design 2: Integrating Principles
GR 360: Graphic Design 3: Nature of Interaction
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 810: Thesis 1: Concept
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 615: History of Graphic Design
GR 150: Introduction to Visual Communication
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 327: Graphic Design 2: Integrating Principles
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 802: Thesis Forum
GR 850: Thesis Refinement
GR 105: Principles of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 327: Graphic Design 2: Integrating Principles
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 616: Making Ideas Visible
GR 105: Principles of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 105: Principles of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 434: Typography 4: Refinement of Form
GR 460: Senior Portfolio
GR 105: Principles of Graphic Design
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 327: Graphic Design 2: Integrating Principles
GR 434: Typography 4: Refinement of Form
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 429: Information Design
GR 802: Thesis Forum 1
GR 105: Principles of Graphic Design
GR 221: Graphic Design 1: Visual Communication
GR 429: Information Design
GR 801: Thesis 3: Refinement
GR 620: Visual Thinking
GR 801: Thesis 1: Development
GR 801: Thesis 3: Refinement
GR 429: Information Graphics
GR 801: Thesis 2: Exploration
801: Thesis 2: Exploration
GR 102: Digital Tools
GR 618: Visual Literacy
GR 242: History of Graphic Design
GR 232: Digital Tools 1
GR 232: Digital Tools 1
GR 232: Digital Tools 1
GR 221: Graphic Design 1
GRDE 320: Communication Design 2
GRDE 326: Production Seminar
GRDE 420: Visual Communication 2
GRDE 422: Design Application 1
GRDE 310: Communication Design 1
GRDE 410: Visual Communication 1
GRDE 412: Design Application 1
GRDE 414: Design Seminar
GRDE 310: Communication Design 2
GRDE 312: Production Seminar
GRDE 420: Visual Communication 2
GRDE 422: Design Application 2
GRDE 310: Communication Design 1
GRDE 410: Visual Communication 1
GRDE 412: Design Application 1
GRDE 414: Design Seminar
GDES 472: Senior Capstone
VC 490: Independent Study
VC 490: Independent Study
VC 331: Graphic Design 3
VC 470: Senior Capstone
VC 330: Typographics 2
VC 370: Design Studio
VC 433: Information Graphics
VC 152: Type Foundations
VC 251: Computer Imaging 1
VC 329: Typographics 1
VC 251: Computer Imaging 1
ADV 307: Advertising and Copy Layout
VC 329: Typographics 1
Online Academic Subcommitee
Academy of Art University
The subcommittee coordinates university activities related to distance education, including curriculum, policies, best practices, course delivery and assessment, planning and implementation.
Institutional Assessment Taskforce Committee
Academy of Art University
The taskforce committee examines the student academic and co-curricular experience through the lens of the institutional learning outcomes to identify areas of strength and make recommendations for continuous improvement. The taskforce is composed of faculty and staff from across the university.
Learning Management System Advisory Board
Academy of Art University
Provide communication, collaboration and coordination on issues regarding information technology policy, planning, resource management, standards, procedures and priorities by faculty, staff and students.
Online Academic Subcommitee
Academy of Art University
The subcommittee coordinates university activities related to distance education, including curriculum, policies, best practices, course delivery and assessment, planning and implementation.
MFA Thesis Midpoint and Final Review Committee
Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
Evaluate graduate thesis proposals for topics selections, advise on potential research directions. Evaluate final thesis submission deliverables and presentations.
WASC Commission Institutional Report
Academy of Art University
Review Process Participant
AIGA SF Design Mentor
Design 1:1
Abstract Reviewer
AIGA National Conference
Design Education Symposium
Pittsburgh, PA
Guest Reviewer
Montana State University
Professional Studio
Faculty Assessment and Evaluation Committee
School of Graphic Design
Academy of Art University
Each semester, faculty receive ongoing course feedback, evaluation and recommendations through student representatives, student evaluation summary reports, and peer feedback.
Rubric Development and Training Committee
School of Graphic Design
Academy of Art University
Development, testing and faculty training for department rubrics to provide evaluative criteria, scoring strategy and quality definitions for criteria at all levels of undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
Online Instructional Review & Improvement Team
School of Graphic Design
Academy of Art University
Live testing and user feedback for LMS interface features and best practices in the online classroom environment.
Conference Co-Chair
AIGA Frontier Design Educators Conference
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT
Frontier is a conference concerned with alternative models for learning, radical pedagogy, utopianism, emerging technology and tools, global economics and design, virtual classrooms, invisible worlds, the growing relationship between design and tech, homogeneity in design, imagined scenarios, the role of critique in a post-internet culture, and the speculative future of graphic design education.
Awards Judge
CASE District VII Awards of Excellence
Annual awards program that showcases best practices in alumni relations, fundraising, public relations, advancement services, special events, and communications. Experts from all disciplines throughout the district judge the entries in more than 70 categories and select the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners for each category.
Board Member
City of Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board
Bozeman, MT
The Beautification Board's purpose is to identify, investigate, and recommend community beautification projects and programs; investigate and pursue possible funding sources for beautification projects, in coordination with City staff; and advise the City Commission concerning beautification of City owned properties and facilities.
MFA Thesis Midpoint Review Committee
School of Graphic Design
Academy of Art University
Evaluate graduate thesis proposals for topics selections, advise on potential research directions.
MFA Thesis Final Review Committee
School of Graphic Design
Academy of Art University
Evaluate final thesis submission deliverables and presentations.
Design Project Center
Graphic Design Program
Ferris State University
Direct the development and growth of the Design Project Center through project solicitation/design/production, building community/University client relationships and provide a unique recruiting tool for the Graphic Design Program. Responsible for the supervision of 15–20 part-time, inexperienced design students in a professional business environment.
Faculty Mentor Honors Program
Ferris State University
Purposeful pairing and structured guidelines create a foundation for a successful new student experience. Veteran faculty are recruited and selected to serve as mentors and meet with new Honors Program students throughout the academic year. Monthly meetings are designed to help students grow to their full potential and to successfully transition to college life. Students in the mentorship program will learn to develop academically, socially and personally by networking with their faculty in a supportive and motivating environment.
Faculty Advisor
AIGA Student Group Photography Collective
Ferris State University
Committee Member
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Group
Ferris State University
Committee Member
Student Conduct Committee
Ferris State University
Chair and Commissioner
Chair 2009 Commission
Member 2006–2008
City of Flagstaff Public Art and Beautification Advisory Commission
Flagstaff, AZ
The Commission studies and recommends community beautification projects ranging from landscaping and irrigation, signs and billboards, buildings, facilities, streetscapes, gateways, the purchase and installation of public art projects within beautification projects, property acquisition for beautification and/or public art projects, and neighborhood initiated projects.
Co-Chair Faculty Advisory Committee
Lumberjack Student Newspaper
Northern Arizona University
Internship Coordinator
Visual Communication Program
Northern Arizona University
Implemented two student internship programs for Visual Communication Majors between W.L. Gore Medical Devision and Northern Arizona University. Internships consist of 6 month long graphic design employment roles and responsibilities with professional marketing team members from W.L. Gore.
Drop In Academic Advisory
Visual Communication Program
Northern Arizona University
Answered questions and planned future coursework for Visual Communication students.
New Faculty Mentoree
Colleague-to-Colleague Mentorship Program
Northern Arizona University
Purposeful pairing and structured guidelines create a foundation for a successful program. Since fall 2002, veteran faculty have been recruited to serve as mentors and meet with new faculty members with whom they are matched. I took advantage of this offering.
New Student Greeter
Northern Arizona University Faculty Welcome Weekend Reception
Greeted incoming freshman students and discussed their majors and career paths.
Creative and Strategic Consultant
Working with a variety of local and national clients with an emphasis in the non-profit sector. William has provided creative and strategic consultation to multidisciplinary teams in successful print campaigns, website designs and brand experience projects. One key element William brings to his design approach is an understanding of user-centered design and a sensitivity to the business goals of his clients.
Senior Graphic Designer and Managing Art Director
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
Art directed, coordinated, and implemented two major marketing rebranding initiatives; completed launch of new university identity and marketing campaigns as well as a new university website. Continued art direction and brand management for the campus, departments, and outside designers to maintain university brand and graphic standards.
Art directed, designed, prepared and marketed: advertising campaigns, billboards, brochures, environmental displays, exhibits, focus groups, invitations, photography, posters, strategic plans, web designs, and other university promotional and marketing materials. Supervised in-house graphic designer and photographer. Developed campus wide photo gallery with over 1,500 images and archive procedures for all images and data.
Graphic Designer
River Rock Marketing
Boulder, CO
Designed and created, brochures, flyers, logos and other promotional materials. Conferred with clients regarding project specifications, wrote bids and cost estimates. Coordinated direct mail marketing for River Rock Marketing. Handled all aspects of real estate marketing for River Rock including: architectural photography, business and strategic plans, customer relations, and marketing.
Graphic Designer
KL Realty
Boulder, CO
Handled the design and marketing needs of a luxury real estate office including: advertising, art direction, graphic design, marketing and photography in both printed and digital formats. Designed and maintained company web site, produced a variety of weekly and monthly ads, organized and scheduled deadlines for a variety of ads, created brochures and content for property profiles of multiple real estate listings, worked with a variety of outside design and print venders on a variety of marketing projects, and delegated work related responsibilities to office personnel.
Freelance Designer
William Culpepper, Inc.
Various locations
Produced a wide range of outputs including: advertising, branding, business plans, marketing, graphic design, photography, print management, strategic planning, and web development
Freelance and Contract experience
Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, W.L. Gore and Associates, Summit Velo Cycling Team, Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff, River Rock Marketing, Black Hawk Station Casino, Sage Inc, Concept Object, Becky Adams Real Estate, Friends First, Tool Studios, St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, GS Boulder Cycling, Boulder Cheesecake, Boulder Nordic Club, Start Events, Old Firehouse Museum, Java Recruiters
Postcard Exhibition Pop-Up Art Show
Artlink Contemporary Gallery, Fort Wayne, IN
Art in Isolation
Art School Pedagogy 2.0 Symposium
Light Space and Time Gallery
Under The Bridge
The Mediums Series
Atlanta, GA
NYC Phoenix Art
March Invitational Artist Exhibition
Manhattan, NY
Postcard Exhibition Pop-Up Art Show
Artlink Contemporary Gallery
Fort Wayne, IN
Modules Group Exhibition
Millepiani Gallery
Rome, Italy
Camera Work: Landscape and Architecture Exhibition
Black Box Gallery
Portland, Oregon
Open Boundaries Invitation
Loosen Art
Contemporary Art Magazine and Gallery
Rome, Italy
Grafik Archistruct
Amarillo Museum of Art
High Plains Highways
Amarillo, TX
Interactive Contemplation
Kendall/Ferris Annual Faculty Exhibition
Big Rapids, MI
Design for Good Exhibition
Phoenix Design Museum
Phoenix, AZ
Katzen Art Center
American University
Washington, DC
Seven x 11: Art for Art
Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts
Grand Rapids, MI
ISE Cultural Foundation: Student Exhibition
New York, NY
Lens of Observation
Take Art / Leave Art
AVA’s Landis Gallery
Chattanooga, TN
Kendall/Ferris Annual Faculty Exhibition
Grand Rapids, MI
Situational Awareness
ISE Cultural Foundation: Student Exhibition
New York, NY
Their Life
Fine Art Salon Spring Show at the Academy of Art University
San Francisco, CA
Hello I am
Take Art / Leave Art
AVA’s Landis Gallery
Chattanooga, TN
User Defined Observations 01
Day on the Artist Land
Flagstaff, AZ
Visual Observations in a Natural Setting
Wakonse Arizona
Payson, AZ
Hidden Typography 1,2,3
Recycled Art Show
Flagstaff, AZ
Hidden Typography 4,5
Flagstaff, AZ
Flagstaff, AZ
Escape or Reality?
Recycled Art Show
Flagstaff, AZ
Patterns of Weather and Change Mail Art
Various destinations across the US
Then and Now
NAU Faculty Art Show
Flagstaff, AZ
Space Gallery
Minneapolis, MN
Surprise Weeds
West Lawn
Alexandria, LA
Billings Art Museum
Billings, MT
Typographic Contemplations
Undergraduate Thesis Show
Bozeman, MT
Movements to Sky
Emerson Cultural Center
Bozeman, MT
Filling Station
Bozeman, MT
KGLT Radio
Bozeman, MT
Pink Flamingo
Bozeman, MT
Turning Point
Little Johns
Bozeman, MT
Twin Rights
Undergraduate Photography Show
Bozeman, MT
Mixed Nuts
Warehouse Muse
Bozeman, MT
KGLT Radio
Bozeman, MT
Haynes Hall
Bozeman, MT
Analog Evolution
Sunset Hotel
Bozeman, MT
Bozeman, MT
Critical Visions
Editorial Reviewer Board
University of Cincinnati
College of Arts & Sciences
Cincinnati, OH
Honors Program Annual Art Exhibit
Awards Judge
Rankin Art Gallery
Big Rapids, MI
Where I Live
Guest Curator
AIGA Student Show
Big Rapids, MI
Guest Curator
AIGA Student Show
Flagstaff, AZ
Arizona Digital Media Investigations
Director and Curator
Flagstaff, AZ
This exhibit presented views of current digital media by higher education digital media faculty from across the country, while concurrently presenting live and interactive works that push beyond known digital media boundaries.
The exhibit was open to all faculty teaching in the fields of: animation, computer-based art, digital art, media and interactivity, emerging technologies, graphic design, interactive design, media technologies, multi-media, music and electronic sound art, photography, photojournalism and visual communication.
Journal postings to the exhibit by each participating faculty artist fostered a dialogue of visual and written discussion on the processes involved in producing each of the educators’ exhibits. The public audience was invited to participate by viewing the faculty journal postings and contributing their own comments and observations.
Teaching Realities Across New Spaces Using AI
Digitally Engaged Learning, Pennsylvania State University
Panel Moderator: William Culpepper
Panelists: Antonio Borja, Kathryn Morgan, Jason Mitchell
Understanding, Mentoring and Inspiring First Year Students
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Digital Teaching Spaces as a Point of Purposeful Practice
Digitally Engaged Learning, Pennsylvania State University
Panel Moderator: William Culpepper
Panelists: Laurie Haycock Makela, Samantha Perkins, Troy Alders
Inclusive Online Teaching: The Roles and Expectations of Students and Faculty
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Contact Tracing in an Age of Community Transmitted Diseases
Reports from the Field
UCDA Design Education Summit
Seismic Shifts in Culture
Reports from the Field
Art School Pedagogy 2.0 Symposium
Sponsored by Columbia University and the Maryland Institute College of Art
Teaching First Year Students Online: Understanding, Mentoring and Inspiring
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Designers as Creative Problem Solvers
Presenters: Phil Hamlett and William Culpepper
Panelist: Erin Canoy, Hannah Coward, Krishnapriya (KP) Gupta, David Spears
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Low and High-Fidelity Prototyping in Design
Guest Lecturer
Farmingdale State College SUNY, Farmingdale, NY
All Pathways are Connected
Guest Lecturer
Drury University, Springfield, MO
Grafik Intervention
Design Incubation Colloquium
Kent State University, Kent, OH
Presented by Brit Rowe
MOOC-ing design education?
Grafik Intervention
AIGA Frontier Design Educators Conference
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Grafik Intervention
AIGA Nuts and Bolts Design Educators Conference
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
The Purpose of Grades
Natasha Haugnes, Faculty Development
William Culpepper, Graphic Design
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Tools and Principles for Critique and Feedback in the Online Environment
Natasha Haugnes, Faculty Development
William Culpepper, Graphic Design
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Grafik Intervention
TEDx Bozeman, Bozeman, MT
Creative Coalition: A Career Fair for Creatives
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Harrison Lecture Series
Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
Grafik Intervention
Pivot: AIGA Design Conference
Phoenix, AZ
Honors Program Lunch and Learn Series
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI
Creativity in Advertising
Dr. Clay DeDeaux Advertising Management Class
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI
A Designers View of Alternative Transportation in America
Rocky Mountain Fleet Managers Spring Conference
Winslow, AZ
Deconstructing the economic downturn of retail businesses through architectural landscape photography
Charlottesville Community Design Center
Charlottesville, VA
Digital Technology: A Hybrid Classroom Environment
Wakonse Teaching Retreat
Payson, AZ
Teaching for Student Success: A Hybrid Classroom Environment
International Conference on Critical Literacy in Visual Culture
Dallas, TX
What Next?: Design Life After College
Flagstaff, AZ
Torpor House
Salt Lake City, UT
NYC Phoenix Art
March featured artist interview
Manhattan, NY
Under The Bridge
Print and online magazine
Featured artist page(s): 15, 50
WASC College and University Commission Institutional Report
Review Process Participant
The Graphic Design Process
Nottingham and Stout
Bloomsbury Visual Arts
"Online Presentations"pages 181-183
Open Boundaries Invitation
Loosen Art
Contemporary Art Magazine and Gallery
Rome, Italy
Getting the Conversation Started with the Living Principles
Communication Arts
Sep/Oct Issue
Winterhouse Symposium on Design Education and Social Change
Picture Perfect
Ferris State University Torch
Student Thesis Sparks Urban Revitalization
Academy of Art University
Design Grad Starts Conversation About Urban Renewal
Academy of Art University
Untapped Potential
Ferris State University Torch
Graphic Design Students Project History and Potential in Big Rapids
University News at Ferris State University
Projection Project
Pioneer Press
Projecting the Right Image
Pioneer Press
Arizona Digital Media Investigation
Inside NAU TV
Arizona Digital Media Exhibit
Flagstaff Live
Artistic Intersections: Where digital technology meets fine art
The Noise
Digitally Engaged Learning: Realities and Futures
Inside Higher Ed: Online Learning Programs Enrollment in Higher Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education: State of Virtual and Hybrid Learning
Letterform Archive: A Byte Sized History of Computer Typography with Ben Zotto
Hello Departures Talk Series | Tasheka Arceneaux-Sutton
Config 2023 | Figma’s Annual Conference
Digitally Engaged Learning in Between: Exploring Divides
UCDA Creative Summit
AIGA One Designer, One Work: Yeohyun Ahn
AIGA One Designer, One Work: Vinicius Lima
UCDA Design Education Summit
Art School Pedagogy 2.0 Symposium
HMCT Design Educator Typography Intensive
AIGA SF: Design more mindful products with Maddy Beard
AIGA: Mentorship in Design and Academia
AIGA DEC: Pivoting to Online during a crises
AIGA: Internships in Design: Advice for COVID-19
AIGA: In the Middle of a Moment: Some Sharing with Rick Griffith
SHIFT: AIGA Design Educators Community Virtual Summit
San Francisco Design Week
Compostmodern: Design for Climate Crisis in Crisis
Matthew Manos: 2020’s New Wave of Corporate Social Responsibility
Digitally Engaged Learning: Digital Colonialism and Spacial Relationships
Dyslexia & Innovation Symposium, Bozeman, MT
AIGA Design Conference, Los Angeles, CA
David Butler: Design Now and Looking Forward to 2020?
Wisdom of Communities: How Designers Consider Their Communities?
Ti Chang: Designing Social Change
Liz Jackson: Honoring the Friction of Disability
Itinerant Printer: Letterpress workshop
Design Incubation Webinar: Designing for and Teaching Accessibility
AIGA Design for Good series: Another veteran’s journey: By design
AIGA Design for Good series: The Constitutionary
John Maeda: The Design of Business, The Business of Design
Webinar: Main Street Redux: Creative Placemaking Strategies
Elizabeth Timme: Beyond the Storefront
Eduardo Ortiz: Designing for people at the greatest time of need
AIGA Froniter Design Educators Conference, Bozeman, Montana
AIGA Nuts and Bolts Design Educators Conference, Bowling Green, Ohio
Webinar: Reflection and Intention to Improve Teaching Over Time
Webinar: Using Existing Rubrics for Multi-Perspective Feedback
Webinar: Negotiating the Online Grading Tools
Webinar: Five Components of Feedback
Webinar: Make Learning Connections Happen
Webinar: Tools and Principles for Critique and Feedback in the Online Environment
Webinar: Grade Inflation: Issues & Challenges with Sarah Sherwood
Erik Brandt: History of Graphic Design Presentation
Design Thinking for Productivity with Swissnex
Introduction to Design Thinking with Kevin Budelmann
Designs on e-Learning Conference 2014, San Marcos Texas
Design Ignites Change: Impact Measurement: The Power of Partnerships
Design Ignites Change: Impact Measurement: How to Measure What Matters
Design Ignites Change: Design for Social Change: Designing with Communities
AIGA Blunt: Explicit and Graphic Design Criticism Now: AIGA, Norfolk, Virginia
AIGA Webcast: Design for Good
Webinar: Crafting Effective Critique Feedback
AIGA Webcast: Wireframing + Prototyping: Pencil to Paper to Screen
AIGA Webcast: Design for Good
AIGA Webcast: Living Principles for Design
AIGA Webcast: Responsive typography for the mobile web
AIGA Webcast: The Evolving Expectations of Design Education
AIGA Gain: Design for Social Value Conference, San Francisco, CA
Seek Design Conference, Dekalb, IL
AIGA Pivot: Design Conference, Phoenix, AZ
TEDx Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI
Devices Everywhere: Smartphones and Tablets and Consoles, AIGA
Responsive Web Design: Design Once, Display Everywhere?, AIGA
Graphic Design Thinking, Ellen Lupton
Writing for Visual Thinkers, Andrea Marks
AIGA New Contexts / New Practices, Raleigh, NC
Lilly North Conference on College and University Teaching, Traverse City, MI
The Future of a User Experience Designer, Grant Carmichael, ThinkXD
Customer Relationship Management in the Age of Social Media, Pierre Hulsebus
Social Media: Campus Policies and Protocols
Compostmodern 09, San Francisco, CA
Motivating Students: Theory and Practices for Generating Productive Class Discussions
Discussing Curricular Redesign: Experiences from Four Academic Projects
Wakonse Teaching Retreat Arizona, Payson, AZ
International Conference on Critical Literacy in Visual Culture, Dallas, TX
Southwest Arts Conference, Arizona Commission on the Arts, Phoenix, AZ
How Design Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Exploring Multiple Connections, Kip Fulbeck
Strategies to Help Students Realize Their Potential, Dr. Constance Staley
Adobe Creative Suite (Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffects), MS Office, analog/digital SLR cameras, MAC and PC operating systems.
HTML5, CSS3, CMS, PHP, mobile design, interaction design, data visualization, design for interaction, user interface design, responsive design,
analog/digital printing process, audio/video production.
Learning management systems (LMS), distance learning technology and analytics.
Gold Addy in Collateral Material, Transformotion: Brand Identity, Co-Art Director
Gold Addy in Collateral Material, Small Town Studio: Brand Identity, Co-Art Director
Silver Addy in Collateral Material, Student Advancement Foundation, Co-Art Director
Silver Addy in Mixed Media Campaign, Student Advancement Foundation, Art Director
TIMME Grant, Ferris State University
Presidents Academic Honor List, Academy of Art University
Northern Arizona University Faculty Development Support Grants Program
Eagle Scout
AIGA: The Professional Association for Design
CAA: College Art Association
Gallatin Valley Land Trust
Gallatin Valley Bicycle Club
Bridger Ski Foundation
Friends of the White Pine Trail
Flagstaff Biking Organization
“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”
James Russell Miller
Age 15 to present day
Burger King Server
Landscape Worker
Corn Detassler
Girl Scout Camp Worker
Leaf Raker
Fruit Hauler
Tomato Stuffer
Linen Driver
Sculpture Lab Assistant
Art Gallery Installation Worker
Electronic Music DJ
Electronic Music Promoter
Art Show Director
Production Artist
Sailing Instructor
Swimming Instructor
Bike Mechanic
UPS Night Crew
Sculptor Assistant
Architectural Photographer
Marketing Director
Sign Installer
Cycling Coach
Ceramics Instructor
Wedding Photographer
Graphic Designer
Art Director
Print Broker
Senior Graphic Designer
University Professor
“Always be around. Come or go to everything.” John Cage
Patch Adams
Sean Adams
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
Design Army
Jonathan Baldwin
Carolina de Bartolo
John Bielenberg
Erik Brandt
Will Bruder
Kate Bingham Burt
Kelly Cunningham
Tim Calkins
Stuart Candy
Grant Carmichael
Valerie Casey
Rob Carter
Allan Chochinov
Meredith Davis
Aaron Draplin
Brian Edlefson
Peter Eisenman
Marc English
Shelley Evenson
Bob Faust
Michèle Wong Kung Fong
Michael Gibson
Mike Gorman
Cabell Harris
Stanley Hainsworth
Jessica Hirsch
Chris Horton
Amber Howard
Terry Irwin
Chip Kidd
William Massie
Nic Meta
Debbie Millman
Marc O’Brian
Santiago Piedrafita
Alison Popp
Rick Poynor
The Post Family
Shel Perkins
Doug Powell
Sandra Wheeler
David Stairs
David Thorburn
Jakob Trollbäck
Manuel Toscano
Danny Yount
Peter Zak